

Main Areas of Study:


  • Marine Engineering Knowledge
  • Electrotechnology
  • Naval Architecture
  • Thermodynamics
  • Strength of Materials
  • Welding and Machining


Accreditation Status:


Transport Canada




Please refer to the Admissions section of this Calendar.




Length of the Program:


  • 4 Years


Number of Semesters:


  • 7 Academic Terms


Number of Courses:


  • 69 courses, including all required safety courses


Work Terms:


  • 3 Work terms ( total of 180 days minimum)




The minimum passing grade for all courses in the Marine Engineering Technology program is 60%. A cumulative average of 60% must also be maintained throughout the course of the program.


Credit Earned: Diploma of Technology


4 years: 7 academic terms, 3 Technical Sessions and 3 Work Terms


Normal Start: Fall


School of Maritime Studies


Contact: Admissions Officer
(709) 778 - 0380
1-800-563-5799 (ext. 380)




This program is designed to graduate students with a variety of strengths that can be used in a large array of employment areas.


  • Discipline-related and application courses are supplemented by further courses in Mathematics, to support the technical content; by Marine Law and courses in Business Management.
  • The program recognizes the increasing role and use of computers in the technologies. Computer application and familiarity with common engineering software is stressed wherever possible. Students have CAD courses designed to give extensive exposure to packages such as advanced AutoCAD, which is required in the job market. These packages keep students current with industry standards and improve employment prospects.
  • The program is recognized and accredited by Transport Canada for remission of sea time and non-safety credited examinations at levels from Fourth Class to Second Class certificates of competency. The graduates from the Marine Engineering program may choose from shore-based marine employment or ship-based employment as engineering officers.
  • Upon graduation the student can be credited with 30-months sea service. To qualify to write the initial certificate of competency (4th Class) the graduate must submit to Transport Canada a Sea Training Manual together with proof of graduation and six months active sea service.
  • The graduates are exempted from the following challenge examinations in Third and Second Class certificates: Naval Architecture, Electrotechnology, Thermodynamics and Applied Mechanics.
  • In addition to the certification opportunities described, graduates of the Marine Institute Diploma of Technology in Marine Engineering are eligible for admission to the Memorial University Bachelor of Maritime Studies or Bachelor of Technology programs. Upon completion of the diploma, candidates are required to complete 13 additional courses for the Bachelor degree.




Applicants seeking entry to the Marine Engineering Technology program, which leads to Transport Canada Certification, should note that Transport Canada requires proof of satisfactory physical fitness prior to sitting for any Transport Canada exams. This includes satisfactory visual acuity, colour vision, and hearing among other physical requirements.


Proof of physical fitness is also required for students to participate in Marine Emergency Duties (MED) Training which is a compulsory part of these programs.


Proof of physical fitness must be provided by way of a signed medical from an approved physician. Transport Canada Seafarers medical is required for admission to each respective program. The list of physicians approved to conduct either the Seafarer’s or MED medical is available from the Marine Institute Office of the Registrar. Details of the physical requirements for the Seafarer’s Medical may be obtained from Transport Canada at the following address:


Marine Safety Directorate
John Cabot Building
10 Barter’s Hill, P.O. Box 1300
St. John’s, NL A1C 6H8
(709) 772 - 5167
or online at:




The goal of the Marine Engineering Technology program is to prepare students for careers in engineering without limiting their options. Besides the traditional marine engineering positions, students find employment with government agencies, consulting engineering companies, and industrial production companies. Some students find employment with refineries and offshore-related industries.


The program provides graduates not only for the local market, but also for the national and international market. With the variety of courses offered in the program, graduating students have exposure to most of the common areas of engineering.


Most graduating technologists from this program will work initially under the supervision of a licensed marine engineer, but will, as their careers advance, work independently. Many graduates have advanced to senior supervisory positions, and some are partners in engineering enterprises.


Sample Job Description - Shore Based


  • Responsible for the commission and inspection of new equipment and preparation of commissioning and inspection reports.
  • Marine surveyors for Transport Canada and other inspection, insurance and class agencies.
  • Work as engine fitters, supervisors and managers in shipyards.
  • Positions and duties relating to power engineering can also be filled by marine engineering graduates. The certification system controlled by the provincial Department of Labour can also be attempted with sufficient boiler room operational experience.
  • Involved in the design and layout of a vessel’s machinery space and responsible for the installation of the equipment in new ship construction.
  • Supervise the fitting out and refit of drydocked vessels.
  • Represents a company’s interests in the construction, fitting out and acceptance of new vessels.


Sample Job Description - Ship Based


  • Fulfill technical to administrative duties from junior rank to that of the chief engineers position on ships of all power ratings (Steam/Motor).
  • Responsible in developing annual vessel refit lists and supervising its completion.
  • Responsible for facility, personnel and energy management.
  • Identifies operational and design problem areas and implements solutions.
  • A chief engineer represents shore-based management.




Term 1
CMSK 1105 (Technical Communications I)
ELTK 1102 (Electrotechnology)
ENGR 1105 (Engineering Graphics)
MATH 1100 (Pre-Calculus)
MREK 1101 (Marine Engineering Knowledge I)
PHYS 1103 (Physics)
WKPR 1110 (Fitting Shop 1)
Term 2
CMSK 1205 (Technical Communications II)
ELTK 1202 (Electrotechnology)
ENGR 1102 (Engineering Drawing)
FLDS 2105 (Fluid Mechanics)
MATH 1105 (Introductin to Calculus)
MREK 1201 (Marine Engineering Knowledge II)
WKPR 1200 (Fitting Shop)
Technical Session I
ENGR 1104 (Engineering Graphics)
MTPR 1300 (Materials & Processes)
SFTY 1102 (Marine Basic First Aid)
WKPR 1109 (Welding Shop I)
Term 3
ELTK 2119 (Marine Electrical Systems)
FLDS 3105 (Hydraulics & Pneumatics)
MATH 1201 (Calculus)
MECH 2111 (Statics and Dynamics)
MREK 2111 (Marine Engineering Knowledge III)
TRMO 2105 (Thermodynamics)
WKPR 1117 (Machine Shop I)
Term 4
BSMG 3113 (Personal Resource Management)
MECH 2207 (Theory of Machines)
MREK 2209 (Marine Engineering Knowledge IV)
MTPR 2108 (Strength of Materials)
NARC 2228 (Shipbuilding)
TRMO 2204 (Thermodynamics)
WKPR 2113 (Welding Shop II)
WKPR 2117 (Machine Shop II)
Technical Session 2
ELTK 2303 (Electro-Maintenance)
NARC 2318 (Shipbuilding - Mechanical)
SFTY 1123 (Oil and Chemical Tanker Familiarization)
SFTY 1124 (Confined Space Entry Awareness) - To be delivered after SFTY 1123
SFTY 1129 (Security Awareness for Seafarers with DSD)
SFTY 1137 (Fall Protection (Offshore))
WKPR 2217 (Machine Shop III)
Work Term 1
WKTM 1103 (Work Term I - Marine Engineering Technology)
Term 5
ELTK 3203 (Rotating AC Machines)
ELTR 3123 (Electronic Devices & Digital Systems)
MREK 3107 (Marine Engineering Knowledge V)
MTPR 3104 (Strength of Materials)
NARC 3110 (Rudders and Propulsion)
TRMO 3107 (Thermodynamics)
WKPR 3206 (Welding Shop III)
Work Term 2
WKTM 2103 (Work Term II- Marine Engineering Technology)
Term 6
CNTL 3205 (IMarine Process Measurements an)
ELTK 3204 (DC Machines and Transformers)
MREK 3206 (Marine Engineering Knowledge VI)
MREK 3207 (Industrial Chemistry)
Work Term 3
WKTM 3103 (Work Term III - Marine Engineering Technology)
Term 7
BSMG 3401 (Mar. Law and Environmental Stewardship)
CNTL 3401 (Instrumentation, Controls & Automation)
ELTK 3400 (Shipboard Voltage Distribution Systems)
MREK 3400 (Marine Engineering Knowledge VII)
MREK 340AM (Propulsion Plant Simulator Training)
NARC 3400 (Naval Architecture - Ship Stability)

Technical Session 3
BSMG 3301 (Leadership and Teamwork)
MREK 340BM (Propulsion Plant Simulator Training)
SFTY 1106 (Marine Advanced First Aid)
SFTY 1117 (Survival Craft - STCW’95 VI/2)
SFTY 1118 (Advanced Firefighting - STCW’95 VI/3 & Officer Certification)