Give to Student Emergency Fund

Emergency Bursary Financial Fund for Students

This fund has been established to assist full-time, undergraduate students on all campuses who have been impacted financially by devastating, catastrophic or unforeseen circumstances - such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

These funds will be made available to undergraduate students who contact the student support office on their respective campus directly for assistance. The merits of each request will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by a staff person in Student Affairs on each campus. Students will be eligible to receive funds only once for the duration of their academic program.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible students must:

  • Be a current full-time undergraduate student on any of Memorial’s campuses, who report experiencing financial difficulties due to the devastating, catastrophic or unforeseen circumstances, such as the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic (i.e. lost wages due to employment ceasing).
  • Agree to meet with a staff person (virtually) to discuss their financial situation.
  • Be continuing their studies at Memorial in an upcoming semester or session, but not necessarily Spring/Summer and have not yet completed the requirements to graduate.
  • Acknowledge and confirm acceptance of the terms and conditions that accompany awarding of these funds.
  • Students will be eligible to receive funds only once for a COVID-19 related circumstance for the duration of their undergraduate academic program.
  • Funds awarded can only be dispersed via Direct Deposit to the student’s personal bank account and cannot be applied to a Memorial student account (i.e. for purposes of paying tuition, fees, future tuition fees, etc.).
  • Unless extraordinary circumstances warrant, the maximum award amount is up to $1,000.
  • To maximize the number of students who can avail of these funds, basic needs are considered i.e. one month rent and an allocation for food.
  • Individuals who have completed the requirements to graduate are not eligible for funding.

For more information regarding this bursary students can contact