
Eastern Edge Robotics competes in international ROV competition
Monday, July 24, 2023

Memorial’s Eastern Edge Robotics placed 11th of 23 teams at the International MATE ROV Competition. The team received first place in the marketing display and engineering presentation categories.All NL Teams

Twenty-three teams from around the world competed in the EXPLORER class. Teams were judged on their technical documentation, marketing display, product presentation and product demonstration.

The event was hosted in Longmont, CO, from June 22-24. It is organized by the Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center.

The theme for this year’s event was UN Decade of the Ocean: Diving in to Inspire Solutions Because Together Opportunity Runs Deep. The event focused on motivating the global community to embrace environmental, social, and governance efforts for a sustainable future.

Mission tasks were separated into three categories: Marine Renewable Energy, Healthy Environments from the Mountains to the Sea and MATE Floats!

This year’s Eastern Edge team consisted of 26 post-secondary students studying at the Marine Institute and Memorial University. Sixteen members of the team travelled to the competition.

High school teamsMount Pearl Team

Two teams of high school students from Newfoundland and Labrador also attended the competition. High school teams competed in the RANGER class against 30 other teams. Both teams qualified after placing first and second at the Regional MATE Competition hosted at the Marine Institute in May.

Husky Explorer from Mount Pearl Senior High placed 21st, and Shark Tech from Labrador Straits Academy placed 11th overall. This was the first time a team from Labrador Straits Academy competed at the international level.

Eastern Edge Robotics teamLabrador Team

The 2023 Eastern Edge Robotics team consists of 26 members.

From the Marine Institute: Alexander Kennedy and Winston Hoffman. From the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science: Stephen Fudge, Martha Snelgrove, Stefan Boon-Petersen, Timothy Squires, Russell Corbett, Zachary Bennett, Shane Tetford, Logan Smith, Cameron Shea, Mark Johnson, Bedir Acar, Devon Tobin, Eric Goulding, Sarthak Srivastava, Joshua Deering, Michael O’Connor, Leo Gilbert, Evan Vokey, Aaron Oates, Abdul Turonov, Jessie Ball, and Zaid Duraid. From the Faculty of Arts: Jadiza Penney. From the Faculty of Science: Ethan Denny.